
Bjarne Stroustrup Biography

July 12, 2022 at 01:05PM

Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist, was born in Copenhagen on December 30, 1950. His contributions to the C++ programming language and its implementation earned him the lion’s share of his fame. He maintains two careers simultaneously, one as a visiting lecturer at Columbia University and the other as a managing director at Morgan Stanley in New York.

Because of his interest in microprogramming and machine design. From Kristen Nygaard, the original developer of object-oriented programming, he acquired its principles. In 1979, he graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in computer science from Cambridge University.

In addition to being an honorary professor at the University of Aarhus, he is also an honorary fellow of Churchill’s Institute. Between the years 1995 and 2002, Dr. Stroustrup oversaw department’s operations in the field of large-scale programming Texas A&M University’s Chair Professor of Computer Science also serves as a faculty member at AT&T Labs–Research Information and Systems Software Research Laboratory, where he teaches computer science.

Bjarne Stroustrup

Personal Life

Bjarne Stroustrup is a family man who is married and has children. He is married to Marian Stroustrup, the woman he has spent the most of his life with. They are parents of Annemarie Stroustrup and Nicholas Stroustrup, both of whom are their children. One might say that he is the kind of person who has spent their whole life working on and developing things that would help future generations.

This describes the sort of person that he is. In addition to this, he is quite protective of the privacy of his personal life and is anxious about how others would see him in general. This gentleman is kind, and he treasures the time he gets to spend with his loved ones.

Early Life and Education

Stroustrup was born in the city of Aarhus in Denmark. His parents were in the working class, therefore they enrolled him in the local public schools. He got themaster’s degree from Aarhus University in mathematics and computer science. The design of machines and microprogramming piqued his curiosity.

Kristen Nygaard, the program’s designer, was a frequent visitor to Aarhus and taught him the principles of object-oriented programming, where it was earned under the supervision of David Wheeler. His studies concentrated on distributed computer systems and the means through which its components may interact with one another.


His parents were in the working class, therefore they enrolled him in the local public schools. Stroustrup started his career in the field of computer. During his time at the university, he started his education in C++ and other programming talents. Since the beginning of the Large-scale Programming Research department until the very end of 2002, Stroustrup served as the department’s leader and was in control of its operations.

He was promoted to the position of University Distinguished Professor in 2011. Since January 2014, Stroustrup has held the position of visiting adjunct professor at the computer science department at Columbia University, in addition to his work at Morgan Stanley’s technology division in New York City as a technical fellow and managing director.

Prior to the year 2002, he held the position of director of the large-scale programming research unit at AT&T Bell Labs. Following his tenure as a fellow at Bell Labs in 1993, he was promoted to the position of AT&T Fellow in 1996.


Stroustrup is most well-known for the work he did on the C++ programming language. C++ was originally developed by him in 1979, and ever since then, it has seen consistent development and improvement (initially called “C with Classes”). He was the one who expressed it in this manner: “built the original implementation of C++ based on his own ideas and conceptions. design requirements, constructed all of C++’s core capabilities, and was responsible for the processing of extension proposals in the C++ standards committee.” C++ was first made available to the public in 1985 and has since gained significant traction.

Bjarne Stroustrup

Before widespread availability of Internet connection, shipping charges in the amount of $75 USD were fronted as a charitable contribution in exchange for Stroustrup’s C++ Programming Language was published as a book the same year it was first made available, in 1985. Simula-inspired C++ offers a broad variety of abstraction techniques that can be efficiently translated to computer hardware and can be done so in a straightforward manner.

Software development was revolutionised as a result of the ability to apply a broad variety of methodologies. This made it feasible to create software in a more efficient manner. Even though they have been around for a long time, programming languages such as C++ are still widely used in a variety of fields. These fields include general system programming, computer, a wide range of applications include graphics, graphical user interfaces (GUI), embedded systems, financial systems, aviation, and scientific calculation.

Programming languages such as C++ are among the most widely used in the world. Its influence can be felt around the globe, not only in the C++ community where it was developed. Over the course of twenty-four years, he served as chairman of a committee that was responsible for.

Honours and Distinctions

Over the course of his illustrious career, Stroustrup has been honoured with a number of prestigious awards, including IET faraday medal. He was granted fellowships from the ACM and the IEEE in addition to his membership in the NAE. In recognition of his many accomplishments in the field of electronic design, Stroustrup is the author of a large number of books and articles, the most notable of which are 2019 was the year that the University Carlos III of Spain bestowed an honorary degree upon him.


  1. Following his selection in 2004, he was inducted into the National Academy of Engineers.
  2. An ACM Fellow since 1994, when I was elected to that honorary title.
  3. In 1994, he was presented with the IEEE Fellow Award, which is the organization’s highest honour.
  4. Computer History Museum Fellow in 2015 for contributions to C++ programming language innovation.
  5. In 2017, Churchill College in Cambridge bestowed upon me the title of Honorary Fellow.

Doctorates and Professorships Conferred with Honour

  1. The University of Carlos III of Spain awarded him an honorary degree in 2019.
  2. Since 2013, Dr. Stroustrup has been a moral doctor at ITMO University.

His Books

  1. A Tutorial on the C++ Programming Language
  2. Programming in C++: Theoretical Foundations and Real-World Applications
  3. How to Write Programs Using the C++ Language
  4. C++: The Evolution of Its Programming Language
  5. The Annotated Reference Manual for the C++ Programming Language

These books are currently accessible in translation in a total of twenty-one different languages at this time.

Facts That May Interesting to Know

  1. As a consequence of his significant contributions to the disciplines of computing and information, Upsilon Pi Epsilon bestowed upon him the Golden Abacus Award in the year 2013.
  2. In 1990, Bjarne Stroustrup was selected by Fortune Magazine as one of the best 12 young scientists in the United States. Among those who were recognised for their Claude Shannon, a mathematician, engineer, and cryptographer, made significant contributions.
  3. He used programming methodologies in a variety of contexts, including general systems programming, switching, simulation, graphics, user interfaces, embedded systems, and scientific calculations.

The post Bjarne Stroustrup Biography appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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